Thursday, May 1, 2014

From Imagination to Reality

The Artisan Soul by Erwin McManus

Ch 4:  “Image:  Manifestation of Your Imagination”

We were created to materialize what arises first in our imagination.

As a mom, how does imagination play out in your world?   (especially with limited “brain space”, lack of sleep, etc.)  Do you have time to think about ideas in your imagination?   How can you allow imagination to be more a part of your life? 

“Simplicity Parenting” is a suggested book that talks about creative ways to use imagination with toys and in play time.

How do you come up with/find ideas?  Our culture pressures us to come up with amazing ideas for our kids to experience (elaborate birthday parties, etc.)  The reality, though, is that life itself is the experience.  Little is more.  Too much materialism stifles creativity.

Everything begins with an idea in our imagination.

p. 93  “Everything that exists began as an idea.”

p. 95  “We first dream, then we create.  Eventually the creative process demands that we choose from this invisible material, select what matters to us most, and materialize that imagination into reality.”

Name “ideas” that you have already materialized into reality.  (marriage, having children, etc.)

KEY PHRASE OF THE BOOK: “Beavers build dams and bees build hives and ants build colonies, but humans...create futures that exist only in the imagination.”

Hebrews 11:1-6   Faith is the evidence of things unseen.

p. 94  “...everything God does is an act of creativity....The source material for the entire physical universe is the imagination of God.”

What unseen things in your future do you have faith in?  (your kids growing up well, being a good parent for them, etc.)

p. 100  “Is it possible that the human imagination is the playground of God...our imagination was always intended to be the place where humans could interact with God?...In our imagination, conversations that come from someone who is all-knowing and all-powerful and all-present, for whom all things are possible, can be engaged at a human level.”

How is your imagination the “playground of God”?  Have you ever/do you imagine God as you talk to him?

p. 101  “To engage in the creative act, you must be comfortable working with invisible material...then materializing that invisible material.”

How comfortable are you with your imagination?  (Be willing to fail.  We don’t need to be perfect, or have perfect ideas.  Just do something.  Don’t be paralyzed with a standard of perfection.)

John 13:34-35 says that love is the ultimate motivator of creativity. 

p. 104   God knew us before we were formed in the womb.  “’Before I formed you in the womb I knew you’...How is it possible to know someone before he was born, unless for God the relationship begins while we are only an idea in his mind....”

God is motivated by love in everything he does.

How do my kids’ actions change when I am motivated by love? (rather than anger, frustration, etc.)  Moms are typically the barometer in the home—and set the temperature and tone with her attitude, words and actions.  Sometimes that is not a fun responsibility, but it is an opportunity we can take advantage of!

Our kids know when we love them, and in that love we are giving them life.

p. 106  “When we choose to create as an act of love, we join forces with the Creator of the universe and become givers of life.”

What 2 words depict God’s creation and his every creative act?  GOOD & LIFE.

p. 107  “Everything God created was good, and that speaks of the essence of the creative act.  The purpose of that creative life.”

p. 108  “The point of Genesis is that God created us with intention...and that we, if we are to live life as God intended, must also live intentional lives.”

How do you see yourself expressing GOOD and LIFE with your children? With others?

How are you living (or how would you like to live) intentionally as a mom?

As a mom, you are not only affecting the lives of your children, but the world.

p.113  “The story that shapes who we are informs everything we (create)...”

What story, and who, is shaping your life right now?  (books, movies, people, groups, ideas, etc.) 

p. 118  “We are shaped by the relationships that choose us, or we choose our relationships on the basis of the person we intend to become.”

What relationships in your life help you materialize what’s in your imagination...bringing out the good, and bringing life to others?  Who would you like to choose to spend time with to have them “rub off on you”?

How are you shaping your child(ren)?  Are you choosing relationships for your child to be influenced by?

Choose 1 or 2 things to do this week from p 194—"The hard work of materializing our dreams"

Or, choose one of the following:

                  *Identify someone who can help you become who you were intended to be.  Set up a time to meet for                                       coffee, drop them an email, or write them a note.

                  *Write down something you would love to see materialized through your life.

                  *Every day, identify one thing that happened in the world as a result of the choices you made.

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