Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dad's Day

I love Father’s Day!  We typically take a picture of the kids and dad to remember Father’s Day.  Several of my favorite shots are framed and set around the house.  These photos remind me of the special relationship my husband and children have with each other.  It can be quite different than my relationship with them.  While I tend to nurture and comfort them, he challenges them to risk and dream.  I tend to have an understated soft touch, while he expresses love in dramatic ways.  When they were little, I would let them play “safely”, while he would play rough and tumble.  There was never a doubt about their father’s love for them.  It was sure and strong, somehow conveyed through his physical strength and expressive personality. 

Each year when Father's Day rolls around, I am reminded of how grateful I am for my heavenly Father.  He loves me with His perfect love.  He will never let me down.  And, while my children’s father is not perfect, he is the man designed and chosen to be their father.  He loves them like no one else can.  He gives them a glimpse of what our heavenly Father’s love is like.  One of the greatest gifts I can give my children is to love their father, to support and encourage him, and to show them what a healthy marriage is like.

Take a close look at your relationship with your husband. 

How can you express love and respect to your husband in his love language?  What can you say/do this week to strengthen your marriage?  You’ll be investing not only in your relationship with him, but also your children’s future, as they see your healthy marriage.

“Wives, adapt yourselves to your own husbands as a service to the Lord…and let the wife see that she respects her husband [that she regards him, honors him, and esteems him; and that she loves and admires him].”  Eph 5:22, 33