Thursday, April 3, 2014

Creating the Future


I'm hosting a book club with a book that my pastor (Erwin McManus) wrote, "The Artisan Soul".  I LOVE this book!  And I LOVE the women in our group.  We are a group of moms.  We discuss and wrestle with how this book relates to us and our children in day-to-day life.  I'm passing on our discussions to you, so you can benefit from our conversations.  

Chapter 1 is "Soul: The Essence of Art"  (words in italics below are quotes)

During this season of life, you are creating the future right in our own living room, kitchen, and bedroom.  Your children are the next generation.  They are the future!  Just like you, they are created by God uniquely and specifically, to give to the be artisans.

Moms, you are one of the most courageous people I know because you are creating the future by what you pour into your children.  Most moms I talk to are more aware of their own limitations than their potential, and doubt themselves more than believe in themselves.  Be courageous!  Live from your heart.  God chose you to be their mom.  You've got what it takes.

You are artisans as you intentionally get to know your child's personality, quirks, bents, desires and dreams--and embrace them just the way they are.  You're the only one who knows your child the way you do...what makes him/her tick.  Observe and take note of the strengths that you see in them, the things they are good at, what comes natural to them.  Tell them.  Help them accept and love who they are.

"There is an order to the creative process:  we dream, we risk, we create."  Dream outlandish dreams for your kids. Tell them the dreams you have for them (how they can do anything they set their mind to).  Ask them about their dreams.  Affirm them.  Who else will have these kinds of conversations with your kids?  And, experiment with them in moving towards seeing their dreams fulfilled.  Help them dream, risk and create.

"The most important works of art to which we will ever give ourselves are the lives we live....At first, our soul is like a canvas where others begin to paint the portrait of who we are.  Slowly, as we develop and mature, we take the brush into our own hands and continue painting our own lives.  Then we go beyond that, to leave our mark on the world around us."    What greater work of art can you create, than that of what you paint on the canvas of your own child?  You have the paintbrush right now.  It won't be long before your child takes the brush into his/her own hands and continues what you've begun.  Paint with flair!

 "Art at its purest form is an extension of the soul...the only art we can create is that which authentically reflects who we are."   You are one unique mom!  Nobody will mother like you---because of who you are, and who your child is.  Nurture that part of you--your essence--that makes you the great mom that you are.  And nurture your child's soul by affirming his/her uniquenesses.  Take time to connect with God in meaningful ways, and refresh your soul.   
A word of encouragement for you, Moms--
"To create is to be human.  To create is to fulfill our divine intention.  To create is to reflect the image of God.  To create is an act of worship."  Wow!  As you are "mommying", you are reflecting God, you are worshiping God, and fulfilling your purpose.  You go, girl!

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