I just finished reading “Heaven is for Real” by Todd
Burpo. It’s about his 3-year old
son, Colton, and his “trip to heaven” as he was in the hospital with an
emergency appendectomy. The
stories Colton tells are amazing!
They have enlightened and encouraged me. With his simplicity and candidness, I am reminded of how
Jesus speaks to children! Jesus
loves children and wants to reveal Himself to them.
As I ponder that, I realize that God is taking care of my
children. He is revealing Himself
to them. He is speaking to them in
their particular circumstances. He
is showing them who He is. As
their parent, I have the privilege of helping them hear His voice, of praying for them and with them, of having relevant conversations with them about their
world, and how much God loves them.
Ask God for wisdom in “spiritually mentoring” your
children. Read God’s Word to them. Pray with them. Let them hear you pray, then encourage
them to pray their own prayers, outloud.
When you notice that God answers a prayer of theirs, point it out and
thank Him together. Talk about
what God is doing in your life, and what you see Him doing in their life. Then, walking with God becomes real to
them! They learn by doing. And you as a parent will grow in your
faith as well!
remember one of the girls had lost a toy, and she was sad about not having
it. So she asked God to help her
find it. It wasn’t but a few
minutes later that she found it and she was so excited! She knew it was God that answered her
“And these words, which I am commanding
you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your
sons (and daughters) and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when
you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7
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