Have you ever noticed how it’s easier to be kinder to a stranger
than to your own family? We want other
people to think good of us, so we try and give them a good impression. On the other hand, our family knows us,
the good and the bad, the wonderful and the ugly. Kindness...it is one of the most important character traits
you can teach your child. It is an
expression of love. A fruit of the Spirit. It involves
thinking of others as more important.
My two youngest girls loved to play “dress up” when they were little. One of their favorite scenarios was pretending to
be poor people. One daughter would
act like a poor person on the street, begging for food. The other daughter would pretend to be
a passerby, giving money, food, friendship, or help to the “poor person”. They loved practicing kindness! In real life, it took a bit more work
than that, but they got the idea!
Kindness shows up in the smallest of ways, yet can have a great impact. Mom, how are you doing at practicing kindness with your
child? How about playing a game of
“who can be the kindest person today?”
Prov 31:26b “The teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”
I Cor 13:4 “Love
is kind.”
Eph 4:32 “And be kind to one another, tender-hearted,
forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”
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