Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Heart for God

One of my greatest desires for my children was for them to make a decision to follow Christ, to know him personally.  I wanted them to experience a full and “alive” that involved an ongoing desire to please God.  I also wanted to know that they would spend eternity with God.  The motivation that leads a child (or adult) to this decision is having a heart for God, to want what God wants for our life.  Our heart is all about our deepest desires.  As a mom, how can I motivate my child’s desires, and help them enter into a personal relationship with Jesus?  How can I affect their heart to please God?  Here are a few ways:

1) Read the Bible to your children.  In the New Testament, we discover that Timothy learned the scriptures as a child from his mother and grandmother (II Tim 1:5 & 3:15), and that the scriptures gave him wisdom which led to his salvation.  As you read people’s stories in the Bible, point out God’s character, who He is, and how he interacted with these individuals.  Encourage them to ask questions (although, this may come naturally!)

2) Model a heart for God.  Let them see you read God’s word, pray to Him, and serve others.  Also, let them know you make mistakes and sin, but that you ask God for forgiveness.   When you do something that hurts your child, ask their forgiveness.  And then love on them. 

3) Pray with them.  Teach them to pray by letting them repeat after you in prayer (when they're young), and later to pray on their own.  Encourage them to pray aloud.  Point out when God answers their prayer! (finding a lost toy, etc.)

4) Foster an environment where they are comfortable and inspired to ask questions about God (through music, stories, movies, etc)  Grab those teachable moments--even when you don't think you have time (or patience) for them!  Let them know their questions are good!  We may not have answers, but that’s a good time to teach faith and trust in God’s sovereignty.

We can’t make our child choose to follow God, but we can strongly influence them with our lives and prayers to have a heart for him and enter into a personal relationship with himRemember--children imitate what they see,

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.”  Proverbs 4:23

 “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.”  III John 4

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